January 2021

Hello 11|28 Prayer Partners!

Happy January 28th! Thank you for praying with us and for us on the 28th day and throughout the month. We really are so thankful for you.

Things to be thankful for:
–Our initial team is 12 individuals!!!
–We have  $85,000 committed from local churches to support our budget for the first three years.
–Mike began meeting weekly with a project manager from Stadia. Her name is Mo and she is excited about us starting 11|28!
–Mike begins meeting (today) with a cohort through Stadia. These church planters will meet together weekly to encourage and support each other while learning together.

Please pray for:
–One or two more local partner churches to join our management team. These churches would help support us now. Then, our hope is that we could partner together in the future to start even more churches.
–That we would be bold in making fundraising asks during this season.
–For continued health and protection for our family.
–That we would find COVID friendly ways to connect with families in Oak Creek.

Thank you for praying. We are so excited to see how God continues to make a way.

Mike and Colleen Francisco