New Year Same Me | Get Fit

As we begin a new year together, it is worth considering that the key to a transformed life lies in embracing the discipline of spiritual exercise.

Each January, countless people set new goals and resolutions for themselves. Some want to eat better, exercise more, or read a certain number of books. Unfortunately, the reality is that only about 9% of Americans complete their New Years’ resolutions. Few even make it past the first week, and fewer still into February. 

Perhaps you’ve considered making a spiritual commitment. Do you aspire to deepen your faith, strengthen your relationship with Jesus, or explore spirituality? Faith, like the body, is prone to atrophy. Keeping a consistent commitment to spiritual exercise – to setting rhythms and values with Jesus at the center – is essential in order to avoid spiritual atrophy. 

The bottom line is this: the quality of the faith you want to build will depend on the work that you put into it. Paul writes in his letters to Timothy that faith, like physical fitness, requires nourishment. Regular spiritual feeding, prayer, and community contribute to our renewal and growth, building a foundation that rests on the work of Jesus and overflows into the people around you. Paul’s wisdom in 1 Timothy underscores the value of godliness over mere physical training. While physical exercise has its place, working out your faith holds value for both this life and the next. Just as we invest in our bodies, make 2024 the year that you invest in your faith.

The faith you want to build this year depends on the work you put in. Whether it’s reading the Bible deeply, praying consistently, sharing our stories, or joining a Life Group, the commitment to spiritual exercise transforms our lives today and prepares us for the good works that God wants to do in and through you. As we step into 2024, let’s echo the resolve to build a stronger, enduring faith. May this be a year of spiritual growth, anchored in the unwavering trust that God is faithful yesterday, today, and forever.